Robert Brooks

Pennsylvania State University Professor of Geography and Ecology, Dr. Robert P. Brooks is a preeminent wetlands researcher. For over 30 years, Rob has built a research program in wetlands science that spans the full realm of topics relating to wetlands ecology and conservation. This research is highly applied, making it valuable to natural resource managers and policy makers in developing and implementing effective programs to protect wetlands. In 1993, Rob founded Riparia, a center focused on advancing wetlands and aquatic ecosystems science. Under Rob’s direction, Riparia has led or participated in some of the most significant research on wetlands and wetlands assessment techniques in the United States. Rob is also known for his collaborative approach, making time to serve in a broad array of wetlands organizations. Rob’s work has resulted in more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, numerous book chapters, and more than 140 presentations. In addition to his research, Rob has trained 42 graduate students to be wetland scientists, furthering his contribution to wetlands conservation