Thomas Ries

For over 25 years, Thomas Ries has played an instrumental role in wetland restoration in southwest Florida. Tom, executive vice president at Scheda Ecological Associates, has been involved in over 80 habitat restoration and stormwater retrofit projects, including some of the most ambitious and successful restoration projects in southwest Florida. His work has won numerous environmental awards, and has resulted in the restoration of more than 2,400 acres of wetlands. Tom is known for his ability to bring public and private partners to the table to produce innovative and cost-saving designs, as well as for his dedication to wildlife resources and community involvement in his projects. Tom is also known for his willingness to collaborate and share his expertise with colleagues from across the country. In 2003, Tom founded a non-profit organization, Ecosphere Restoration Institute, in order to facilitate and leverage match dollars for restoration. Through his non-profit, Tom has donated thousands of hours of his time towards habitat restoration.