ELI In the News

Bloomberg BNA
July 18, 2017

Chemical makers convinced their products are safe can now ask the EPA for a risk assessment, which could be used to allay concerns raised by customers, states, or the public.

Study Breaks
July 14, 2017

Once tasked with regulating industry and protecting the well-being of America’s natural world, the EPA has become a haven for anti-science and anti-environmentalism attitudes[...] Pruitt has repeatedly said that the states should decide the level of regulations applied to their waterways– but not all states can. 36 states, according to a study conducted by the Environmental Law Institute “have laws that could restrict the authority of state agencies or localities to regulate waters left unprotected by the federal Clean Water Act.”

The Times-Picayune
July 11, 2017

One of the biggest marsh restoration projects proposed in Louisiana's 50-year, $50 billion coastal master plan will be up for discussion at six public meetings in the next three weeks. Restore the Mississippi River Delta, a coalition of environmental groups, and the Environmental Law Institute have meetings set Tuesday night (July 11) in New Orleans, Wednesday in Belle Chasse, and July 13 in Westwego.

July 9, 2017

On June 27, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt signed a proposed rule rescinding the Obama administration’s “Clean Water Rule.” This regulation is designed to clarify which streams, lakes, wetlands and other water bodies fall under the protection of the Clean Water Act.

The Conversation
July 5, 2017

Pruitt contends that if states want to protect waters more strictly than the federal standard, they can choose to do so. But according to a detailed 50-state survey by the Environmental Law Institute, 36 states “have laws that could restrict the authority of state agencies or localities to regulate waters left unprotected by the federal Clean Water Act.”

June 27, 2017

Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe announced that Conservation Director Alicia Mozian received the National Wetland Community Leader Award presented by the Environmental Law Institute during ceremonies in Washington D.C. on May 18. Marpe recognized Ms. Mozian’s award during a Conservation Commission’s meeting.

North American Clean Energy
June 23, 2017

IBM announced that it achieved two major commitments four years ahead of schedule in its effort to help combat climate change. IBM has worked over many years with partners such as ELI to advance environmental sustainability.

June 23, 2017

In recognition of her crusade to improve water quality and environmental conditions, Town Conservation Director Alicia Mozian received an award from a Washington, D.C.-based charity.The Environmental Law Institute gives the National Wetlands Community Leader Award to someone who has contributed significantly to protecting wetlands or initiated the passage of wetland legislation.

Westport News
June 23, 2017

WESTPORT—In recognition of her crusade to improve water quality and environmental conditions, Town Conservation Director Alicia Mozian received an award from the Environmental Law Institute.

June 19, 2017

Prosecutors will try to prove five Michigan officials were responsible for a Legionnaires’ death because they knew about the problem, but failed to warn the public. Similar cases of environmental disasters have not resulted in convictions, but there are reasons Flint could break the mold.