AELERT-INECE Environmental Collaboration: Shaping the future of regulation, compliance and enforcement

March 10, 2020 12:28 pm — March 13, 2020 12:28 pm
Adelaide, South Australia

The Environmental Law Institute is pleased to be a co-partner of the 2020 AELERT-INECE conference.

The bi-annual AELERT Conference has always been a unique opportunity for Australasian environmental law practitioners, regulators and people working with our regulated communities to come together and share experiences, knowledge and expertise. Similarly, INECE Conferences have served as an unmatched platform for the international environmental compliance and enforcement community to convene, exchange knowledge, and strengthen alliances.

For the first time, INECE and AELERT have decided to join forces to examine and push the limits of the Conference theme: Environmental Collaboration: Shaping the future of regulation, compliance and enforcement together. This collaboration will open up numerous opportunities to cooperate and build capacity across regions, jurisdictions and organisations in ways that are rarely possible for environmental regulators.

The 2020 AELERT-INECE Conference will strike a balance between technical and operational topics and broader policy and strategic discussions. It will cater to a variety of practice areas such as wildlife, biodiversity and conservation, waste, pollution, marine environment, biosecurity, climate change and much more, at all levels of government and across a range of agencies. Our objective is to learn from each other by sharing best practice and innovation as well as hearing views from countries in different stages of development.