The Community Choice Aggregation Transformation: Procurement and Financing Issues from the CCA and Developer Perspective

September 11, 2018 5:00 pm — 7:30 pm
San Francisco, CA (and teleconference)

Co-sponsored by:
Berkeley Law Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Farella Braun + Martell LLP
The Environmental Law Institute

After decades of dominance by three investor owned utilities (IOUs), California is experiencing a transformation in its energy procurement landscape through the emergence of Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs). Recent studies anticipate that the growth of CCAs will pose an ongoing challenge to the IOUs, which could see a significant share of their load departing for CCAs in the future.

The roundtable panel discussed this CCA transformation, with a particular focus on the implications for energy procurement and renewable energy project development as well as:

  • What are the likely impacts of continued CCA growth? 
  • How will CCAs be impacted by CPUC-imposed exit fees?
  • What are the power procurement strategies of CCAs and how will those impact development of new renewable energy projects? 
  • How can renewable energy project developers work with CCAs so that new energy projects utilizing power purchase agreements with the CCAs can be financed and sold? 

Mark Fillinger, Vice President, Origination at Candela Renewables LLC (moderator)
Siobhan Doherty, Director of Power Resources, Peninsula Clean Energy
Don Eckert, Director of Finance and Administration, Silicon Valley Clean Energy
Paris Hays, Senior Manager, Project Development, Recurrent Energy
David McNeil, Finance Manager, Marin Clean Energy