Deconstructing DAL: Defense Asbestos Litigation

February 19, 2020 11:00 am — 12:30 pm
Webinar Only

An ELI Public Webinar

Prized for its strength, flexibility, abundance, and corrosion proof properties, asbestos was previously used in an enormous breadth of manufactured products. While widespread industrial sales and installation of asbestos-containing products and materials in the United States ended in the 1970s, tons of asbestos remain in communities as a legacy from its previous ubiquity. Today scientists, policy-makers, and populations-at-large know that exposure to asbestos' fibers can be lethal, causing a number of fatal diseases. In many areas, yesterday's asbestos use is today's health hazard, especially as asbestos does not diminish over time and as it becomes brittle it is likely to release hazardous fibers into the environment.

What are the environmental and public health impacts of asbestos? How are they confronted in defense litigation? How can attorneys become more equipped to maneuver asbestos defense litigation? What is the scope of the government’s liability and responsibility in asbestos cases? Panelists engaged in these questions and more as they explored current issues with respect to asbestos litigation, risk and exposure assessment, best practices for court preparation, and more.

Luda Kopelovich, MPH, Business Manager, Cardno Chemrisk, Moderator
Mark A. Behrens, Co-Chair, Public Policy Practice Group, and Partner, Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Michelle Potter, Vice President, KCIC
Ania Urban, Ph.D., MPH, Supervising Health Scientist, Cardno ChemRisk

PLEASE NOTE: No additional materials or recording of this event will be available.