News and Press Releases
The Environmental Law Institute is widely respected as “a nonpartisan organization specializing in legal analysis and not known for taking sides in political fights,” as the New York Times has noted. When members of the media, private bar, government, business, and public interest organizations seek expert information on environmental law and policy, they turn to ELI.The U.S. Forest Service could change a practice that dates back to the early 1980s and forego the environmental impact statement process in the plans required for each of its national forests and grasslands, according to an article to be…
The Environmental Law Institute® today announced the release of two reports spotlighting the need to control non-native invasive species in the United States, Invasive Species Control…
Nature-Friendly Ordinances, a new book published by the Environmental Law Institute® and written by ELI Senior Attorney…
Sky Lewey from Uvalde, Texas has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for Education and Outreach. She will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington, DC for her service as the Public Outreach Coordinator for…
Jack Branning of Vicksburg, Mississippi has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for Landowner Stewardship. He will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington, DC in recognition of his efforts to restore…
Francis Golet, Professor of Wetland Ecology at the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Natural Resources Science, has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for Science Research. He will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate…
Peg Bostwick from Lansing, Michigan has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for State, Tribal, and Local Program Development. She will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington, DC for her work at the Michigan…
Norman Brunswig of Harleyville, South Carolina has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for Conservation and Restoration. He will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington, DC for his conservation efforts at…
Barbara Salzman of Larkspur, California has won the 2004 National Wetlands Award for Wetland Community Leader. She will be honored at a ceremony on May 20th at the Senate Caucus Room in Washington, DC for her efforts with the Marin Audubon…
Solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as disease and hunger, may come from genetic resources, portions of cells’ DNA extracted from plant, animal, and microbial sources. While valuable genetic resources abound in Africa,…