Legal Disclaimer
Legal Disclaimer
NOTICE: The contents of this website provide INFORMATION ABOUT THE LAW, and are for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website should be construed as legal advice. Legal information is not the same as legal advice, which applies the law to specific circumstances. Nothing on this website purports to apply law to specific circumstances or to provide a comprehensive picture of the law. We intend for the contents of this website to be accurate, but we do not claim, assure, or guarantee that the information on this website is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. You should consult with a qualified lawyer for up-to-date information about the law or legal advice, and you should not act or refrain from acting based on the contents of this website. We disclaim any and all liability regarding actions or omissions based on any of the contents of this website. Although this website may contain links to other websites, we do not endorse, approve of, or make any assurances regarding external websites. Use of any of the contents of this website in another work, including print or electronic media, is prohibited without our express permission.
CONTACTING ELI: When contacting us via email, please do not send us confidential information. Otherwise, the information that you convey to us may no longer be deemed confidential. While we welcome you to contact us, please note that your use of this website is not an invitation to enter into and does not create an attorney-client relationship. The contents of this website provide information about the law and are for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website should be construed to be legal advice.