Information on Restoration Projects

Information on Restoration Projects

Gulf of Mexico Restoration Projects

There are many restoration efforts underway to respond to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, including the Natural Resources Damage Assessment, the NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and the RESTORE Act.

In order to see where money is being spent, we have compiled information about approved projects. You can access this information in one of three ways: (1) our Restoration Projects Database; (2) our Project Type Finder; and (3) our Restoration Projects Map. The database and finder provide detailed information about each of the projects, while the map indicates where each project is taking place (with an overview of the project). The map links back to our database for more details.

We have included all projects approved under NRDA, NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and the RESTORE Act. This includes planning grants under Pots 1, 2, and 3 of the RESTORE Act. Each project entry generally includes a project description, information on public participation, project funding, and a link to the project webpage. Where included, the project description is taken directly from the project webpage, and other details may be taken directly from the project webpage as well (though not necessarily in quotation marks).

In general, we include the details of the project at the time it was approved for funding. In certain circumstances, we will update an entry, such as when (1) a project is cancelled; or (2) additional funds are added to a project. Note that, where we update an entry, we have included a link to the amendment that alters the project. Please refer to the individual project websites for additional information.

If you have suggestions for projects or updates to add, please send them to

Project database

Click the image to see our Restoration Projects Database, a sortable display allowing users to filter by state and funding mechanism. The searchable database allows users to filter results by state or county.

Project Finder

Click the image to see our Project Type Finder, a sortable display allowing users to sort by "Administration", "Ecological", or "Human-use" projects, find the project type they are interested in (from sea turtles to tourism), and click for advanced project details.

Project Restoration

Click the image to see our Restoration Projects Map, which indicates where approved Deepwater Horizon restoration and recovery projects are taking place.


The Restoration Projects Database, Project Type Finder, and Restoration Projects Map will be intermittently updated as more projects are approved. To provide feedback, suggestions, or corrections, please contact the ELI’s Gulf Program at

View our legal disclaimer here.


Other Gulf Restoration Databases

Click on the images below to view other regional databases of restoration projects.


See the Gulf of Mexico Alliance's Deepwater Horizon Project Tracker


See the NRDA Trustees' map of all approved Deepwater Horizon NRDA restoration projects