How Would Geospatial NEPA Work?

How Would Geospatial NEPA Work?

“Geospatial NEPA” is designed to facilitate access and information sharing by aggregating NEPA documents and geographic data in a map-based data system. Multiple variables, documents, and data layers could be included in the system.

A base level system would include mapping the project footprint and providing links to electronic copies of the NEPA analyses and other documents. More complex versions could include map layers that convey the underlying data included in the analyses themselves (noting that some data are confidential and could only be available to government users). However the system is designed, the goal is to help make the wealth of information included in NEPA documents more easily and readily accessible.

ELI’s Ocean Team is dedicated to exploring the policies, practices, and approaches needed for NEPA to realize its vast potential.

For more introductory material, see our Introduction and Pilot and Why It’s Useful sections.