About the Gulf of Mexico Project

About the Gulf of Mexico Project

The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) Gulf of Mexico team works to support effective long-term restoration in the Gulf of Mexico region that is shaped by meaningful input from the region’s residents and communities. In the ten years since the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, with support from the Walton Family Foundation, ELI has served as an educational resource by analyzing the complex Gulf restoration and recovery processes and translating them in accessible and comprehensible ways for a variety of stakeholders.

ELI hopes to help to strengthen long-term capacity in Gulf Coast communities – in particular, minority and underserved? communities battling environmental injustice – to follow and to actively participate in the restoration and recovery efforts that shape their environments. We host community workshops, facilitate collaboration, and produce educational materials and other resources aimed to inform and equip people to engage in the ongoing processes, with the goal of ensuring the communities themselves and our local partners remain in the actual decision-making and leadership positions.

If you or an organization or community you represent are interested in learning more about ELI’s work in the Gulf, please reach out to our team at gulfofmexico@eli.org.


Meet the Team