About the Pro Bono Clearinghouse

About the Pro Bono Clearinghouse

Welcome to ELI’s Environmental Pro Bono Clearinghouse, where we connect attorneys and communities to solve pressing environmental problems.

Our Clearinghouse strives to ensure that communities with viable environmental legal matters get the representation they need, whether that be in a courtroom, in front of an agency, or in a more facilitative or consultative fashion. We do so by connecting environmental law clinics with the many hundreds of environmental law members we have at ELI and at our various collaborating organizations like the American Bar Association’s Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources.

The Clearinghouse receives matters from communities, non-profits, and law clinics. Environmental attorneys can in turn search for pro bono opportunities that match with their time availability and legal expertise. The Clearinghouse also acts as a resource to clinics by providing them with a platform to post requests for specific legal expertise, non-legal experts, and local counsel.

We also are coordinating with The Anthropocene Alliance, the Chesapeake Legal Alliance, Thriving Earth Exchange, and several other organizations to support over 100 EJ community members across the country. We post their matters regularly.

Meet the Team