An Introduction to the Use of Data Analytics in Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Throughout the Americas
An ELI and INECE Co-Sponsored Public Webinar
Government agencies collect large quantities of data from a variety of sources, including applications, permits, environmental assessments, monitoring, and reporting. Managing that data and, perhaps more importantly, deriving operational insights from the data can be quite difficult. The growing field of data analytics enabled by cloud computing and other technologies has begun to allow agencies to derive new insights from the data they already have on hand. Although, as this is an emerging field, practices and approaches vary.
INECE’s Data Analytics Community of Practice hopes to consolidate these practices and approaches, beginning with this Compliance Conversation where panelists will share information and approaches to data analytics being used by environmental agencies in the Americas. While this program is primarily designed for exchanges of information between countries in the Americas, everyone is welcome to join and there will be opportunities to ask questions at the end. We expect this Conversation to provide insights into how data analytics are being deployed, how data analytics can be used by agencies, and what information-sharing and training may assist in enabling broader use of data analytics to achieve desired environmental outcomes.
Join ELI, INECE, and a panel of experts to explore the variety of ways that data analytics informs environmental governance and enforcement across the Americas.
Michael Enns (Canada), Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada (Moderator)
Christhian Diaz (Peru), Director of Environmental Supervision in Infrastructure and Services, Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA)
Francisco Donoso (Chile), Coordinator of the Environmental Intelligence Section, Superintendency of the Environment (SMA)
Randy Hill (United States of America), Director of Enforcement Targeting and Data Division in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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