The Clean Water Act at Year 50: What's Next for Water Protection?

Fred Andres - Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Chanté Coleman - National Wildlife Federation
Ben Grumbles - The Environmental Council of the States
Traci Iott - State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Current Issue
The Debate: The New Toxic Substances Control Act Is Now Five Years Old: A Report

THE DEBATE By regulating pollutant discharges and setting water quality standards, the Clean Water Act has led to substantially cleaner streams and lakes since its passage. Yet many challenges remain for the future of water protection. In the coming years, regulators need to address nonpoint source pollution, disproportionate pollution burdens, and climate change, among other issues. We ask experts: At year 50, how can we update the CWA to alleviate water issues over the next half-century?

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The Clean Water Act at Year 50: What's Next for Water Protection?
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