Community Lawyering for Environmental Justice Part 5: Recap of Federal Environmental Justice Legislation and Regulations from 2022
An ELI Public Webinar
Join the Environmental Law Institute and the Pro Bono Clearinghouse for the fifth part of our CLE series centered around community lawyering for Environmental Justice. ELI’s Clearinghouse strives to ensure that communities with viable environmental legal matters get the representation they need, whether that be in a courtroom, in front of an agency, or in a more facilitative or consultative fashion. The Clearinghouse connects communities and individuals seeking representation with Clearinghouse members and at various collaborating organizations.
This part of the series will review federal Environmental Justice legislation and regulations from 2022. With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022, the statutory landscape has changed to reflect the Biden Administration’s emphasis on Environmental Justice. What statutory changes have taken place, and how can communities leverage them? What decisions have been left up to agencies, and how do they plan to implement the statutes? How will proposed legislation, like the Environmental Justice for All Act, affect future EJ efforts? Join the Environmental Law Institute and our expert panelists to discuss these questions and so much more!
To Be Announced
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