Environmental Justice and Renewable Energy and Storage

Environmental Justice and Renewable Energy and Storage

Jim McElfish, Elissa Torres-Soto, Elly Beckerman
Date Released
December 2022
environmental justice, renewable energy, siting

This white paper aims to be a practical resource for utility companies to identify environmental justice implications in the development of renewable energy and battery storage facilities, and to consider both challenges and opportunities in addressing these concerns. While it is not an exhaustive compilation of all the ways in which environmental, health, economic, or social burdens might affect communities, it suggests approaches that can be implemented to identify relevant communities and engage with actual community concerns. It also delineates a set of leading practices to advance each of the dimensions of environmental justice when siting, designing, constructing, operating, and decommissioning these facilities. ELI developed this whitepaper in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). 

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