The Endangered Species Act Turns 50

Derb S. Carter Jr. - Southern Environmental Law Center
Holly Doremus - University of California Berkeley
J.B. Ruhl - Vanderbilt Law School
Sean Skaggs - Ebbin Moser + Skaggs LLP
Melinda E. Taylor - University of Texas School of Law
David S. Wilcove - Princeton University
Current Issue
The Debate: The New Toxic Substances Control Act Is Now Five Years Old: A Report

THE DEBATE From the snail darter case to the spotted owl and similar controversies today, the ESA has been engulfed in controversy for much of the half century since its passage. And its record of accomplishment in recovering imperiled species is checkered. Meanwhile, not envisioned by its drafters are threats like climate change and novel diseases that can wipe out whole populations. We asked a panel of experts with long experience in the ESA for their suggestions on improving species recovery and biodiversity preservation.

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The Endangered Species Act Turns 50
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