Texas Offshore Wind Energy Framework 2023

Texas Offshore Wind Energy Framework 2023

Amy Reed
Date Released
October 2023
Texas Offshore Wind Energy Framework 2023 Report Cover

This report is intended to support participation by Texas stakeholders in offshore wind energy decision-making by providing an overview of the most relevant state laws, regulations, and intergovernmental authorities affecting wind energy development offshore of Texas. Texas has not enacted state laws or regulations specifically governing siting of wind energy facilities in its own jurisdiction, but other state policies will influence where and how offshore wind energy and related facilities are constructed and operated in and offshore of the state. 

The report focuses on state policies in Texas most directly relevant to decisions about whether such facilities will or will not be permitted, and with what review and conditions. It reviews several key areas of state authority that, taken together, will help determine the state’s ability to influence decisions about OSW development off its coast.

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