An Update on Climate-Related Risk Disclosures in the United States
An ELI Members Event
Rules requiring climate-related disclosures from companies are being increasingly implemented across the United States. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is soon expected to finalize its March 2022 proposed rules requiring publicly traded companies to disclose information regarding their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks. This past October, California enacted its Climate Accountability Package, requiring private and public companies doing business in California to disclose various types of climate-related risks depending on their annual revenue; these California laws are broader in some ways than the SEC’s proposed rules.
Join the Environmental Law Institute and expert panelists to discuss climate-related risk disclosures in the United States and what companies may be expected to disclose in the coming years. How might the SEC’s final climate disclosure rules change from their initial proposal? What will companies need to do to comply with California’s Climate Accountability Package? How do these compare with recent climate disclosure rules adopted by the European Union? We will discuss these questions and many more.
Lisa Benjamin, Associate Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School, Moderator
Sally Fisk, Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, Environmental & Sustainability Law, Pfizer Inc.
Elise Paeffgen, Partner, Alston & Bird
Jake Rascoff, Director, Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets, Ceres
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