Monthly Climate Change Briefing: June 2024
An ELI Public Briefing
Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our members (also available to non-members for a fee), the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly webinars with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date with short presentations about various sectors, along with time at the end for discussion between the panelists and to answer audience questions.
In advance of this year's Summer School series, we are opening June's Monthly Climate Change Briefing to the general public for free. Join us to learn the latest updates in litigation, as well as to hear developments about climate policy in individual states, Congress, and at the federal level.
Topics to be addressed in this month's briefing:
- Legislative updates, including the bills introduced around the country on climate polluters paying damages
- Climate legislation moving through the California legislature
- City of Annapolis v. BP -- Maryland court's denial of fossil fuel companies' motion to dismiss
- City of New York v. Exxon -- SDNY court grants New York City's motion to remand case under City's Consumer Protection Law to state court
- Texas v. SEC -- Fifth Circuit ruled several states did not have standing to challenge SEC rule requiring investment companies to disclose their votes on ESG matters
- Exxon v. Arjana Capital -- Texas federal court allows Exxon to proceed with its suit declaring that Exxon may exclude from its proxy statement a shareholder proposal supporting accelerated reduction of GHG emissions
- Genesis B. v. EPA -- California federal court dismisses youth suit against EPA, based on 9th Circuit decision in Juliana
- ...and more!
Sabrina Ashjian, Clinical Supervising Attorney and Project Director, Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment and the California Environmental Legislation & Policy Clinic, UCLA School of Law
Michael Gerrard, Founder and Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Law School
Robert Sussman, Principal, Sussman & Associates
ELI members logged on to the Members site will have access to a recording of this session (usually posted within 2-3 business days). If you are not an ELI member but would like to have access to archived sessions like this one, please see the many benefits of membership and how to join.
ELI Monthly Climate Change Briefings are made possible by the generous support of our institutional members.
NOTE: The event recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.