Community Lawyering for Environmental Justice Part 9: Air Permitting
An ELI Public Webinar
Join the Environmental Law Institute and the Pro Bono Clearinghouse for the ninth part of our continuing legal education series on Community Lawyering for Environmental Justice. ELI's Clearinghouse strives to ensure communities with viable environmental legal matters get the representation they need, whether in a courtroom, before an agency, or in a more facilitative or consultative fashion. The Clearinghouse connects communities and individuals seeking representation with Clearinghouse members and various collaborating organizations.
This installment will cover policies and procedures underpinning the Clean Air Act’s (CAA’s) permitting process – focusing on identifying opportunities for environmental justice advocacy. Siting air-polluting facilities is among the most contentious issues in environmental law, and the resulting controversies often have significant environmental justice implications. The racial and economic disparities in siting have been well-documented over the years and continue to this day. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently prioritized addressing environmental justice concerns in CAA permitting – releasing new policies and guidelines for states to follow in 2022.
This webinar will cover basics of the air permitting processes under Title V and New Source Review CAA programs, as well as EPA’s environmental justice guidelines for air permitting. Our panel of experienced CAA attorneys will highlight developments, challenges, and opportunities the permitting process presents for community lawyers, offering insights attendees may bring to their own practice.
Zoe Vogel, Public Interest Environmental Law Fellow, Environmental Law Institute, Moderator
Meredith Hankins, Senior Attorney, NRDC
Taylor Lilley, Environmental Justice Staff Attorney, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Keri Powell, Senior Attorney & Air Program Leader, SELC
Materials will be posted as they are received.
The public will have access to materials/a recording of this session (usually posted within 2 business days). If you are not an ELI member but would like to have access to other archived sessions, please see the many benefits of membership and how to join.