Nationally Available Educational and Training Resources Introduction to EPA, the Clean Water Act, and Water Quality Standards US EPA, Watershed Academy (2023) Selected Watershed Academy Trainings & ResourcesIntroduction to the Clean Water Act (2023)Clean Water Act Part 1: History of the Clean Water Act an Introduction to Water Quality Standards (2023)Learning Modules (2023)Watershed Webcasts (2023) US EPA, Water Quality Standards Academy (2023) Selected WQS Academy Trainings & ResourcesVirtual WQS Academy Session Slides (May 2023)Overview of the EPA, the Clean Water Act, and Water Quality Standards (2023)Waters of the United States Under the Clean Water Act (2023)Live Virtual WQS Academies (biannual) US EPA, Online Training in Watershed Management (2023) Selected Watershed Management Trainings & ResourcesIntroduction to Watershed Ecology (2023)Introduction to Watershed Planning (2023) US EPA, Training for Tribes and Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act Top… ACWA, Clean Water Cross-Programs and Workshops (annual) Introduction to the CWA 303(d) Program US EPA, 2022-2032 Vision for the CWA Section 303(d) Program (2023) US EPA, Fact Sheet: The Clean Water Act “Impaired Waters Restoration Pipeline” … US EPA, Overview of Identifying and Restoring Waters under Section 303(d) of th… US EPA, Clean Water Action Section 303(d) Listings and Total Maximum Daily Load… Traci Iott and Rosaura Conde, CWA 303(d) 101 (2022) NEIWPCC, National CWA 303(d)/TMDL Live Webinar Series (n.d.) NEIWPCC, TMDL Webinar Resource Library (n.d.) ELI, Overview of State CWA 303(d) Program Vision Prioritization Frameworks (201… ELI, Environmental Justice and the CWA 303(d) Program (2022) ELI, Climate Change and the CWA 303(d) Program (2022) Assessment and Listing Data Management and Reporting TMDL Development and Implementation Monitoring