Nationally Available Educational and Training Resources Introduction to EPA, the Clean Water Act, and Water Quality Standards US EPA Watershed Academy (2023) Selected Watershed Academy Trainings & ResourcesIntroduction to the Clean Water Act (2023)Clean Water Act Part 1: History of the Clean Water Act an Introduction to Water Quality Standards (2023)Learning Modules (2023)Watershed Webcasts (2023) Water Quality Standards Academy (2023) Selected WQS Academy Trainings & ResourcesVirtual WQS Academy Session Slides (May 2023)Overview of the EPA, the Clean Water Act, and Water Quality Standards (2023)Waters of the United States Under the Clean Water Act (2023)Live Virtual WQS Academies (biannual) Online Training in Watershed Management (2023) Selected Watershed Management Trainings & ResourcesIntroduction to Watershed Ecology (2023)Introduction to Watershed Planning (2023) Training for Tribes on Clean Water Act & Safe Drinking Water Act Topics (2023) Selected Trainings & Resources for TribesEPA's Small Drinking Water Systems Monthly Webinar SeriesEPA's Tribal Nonpoint Source Program Training WebinarsEPA's Partnering for Security and Resilience Webinar Series ACWA Clean Water Cross-Programs and Workshops (annual) Introduction to the CWA 303(d) Program US EPA Overview of Identifying and Restoring Waters under §303(d) of the CWA (2023) Fact Sheet: The Clean Water Act “Impaired Waters Restoration Pipeline” (2009) 2022-2032 Vision for the CWA Section 303(d) Program (2023) Clean Water Act §303(d) Listings and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) (2023) ELI Overview of State CWA 303(d) Program Vision Prioritization Frameworks (2016) Environmental Justice and the CWA 303(d) Program (2022) Climate Change and the CWA 303(d) Program (2022) Other Resources Traci Iott and Rosaura Conde, CWA 303(d) 101 (2022) NEIWPCC, National CWA 303(d)/TMDL Live Webinar Series (n.d.) NEIWPCC, TMDL Webinar Resource Library (n.d.) Assessment and Listing Assessment US EPA Tribal Assessment Modules (2023) Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology (CALM) Appendices (2022) Listing Impaired Waters and the CWA 303(d) Program US EPA Fact Sheet: Introduction to Clean Water Act §303(d) Impaired Waters Lists (2009) Water Quality Standards and Criteria US EPA Water Quality Standards Handbook (2017) Water Quality Criteria (2023) Other Tools and Resources US EPA Compendium of Tools for Watershed Assessment & TMDLs (1997) Data Management and Reporting Data Storage and Visuals US EPA Water Quality Modeling Recorded Webinars (n.d.) How’s My Waterway (2023) National Water Quality Monitoring Council Water Quality Portal (2023) Integrated Reports (IRs) US EPA Fact Sheet: Integrated Reporting-Improved Reporting for CWA §§303(d), 305(b) an… Integrated Reporting Guidance under CWA §§303(d), 305(b) and 314 (n.d.) ATTAINS US EPA ATTAINS (2023) Other Resources Wendy Reid and Selena Medrano, ATTAINS 101 (2022) Geospatial Data Downloads US EPA National Geospatial Datasets (n.d.) Currrent ATTAINS Program Data (2023) ATTAINS Water Quality Assessment GIS Dataset (2023) BEACH Program Data (2023) Water Quality Data (n.d.) TMDL Development and Implementation General Information US EPA Fact Sheet: Total Maximum Daily Loads (2009) Overview of Total Maximum Daily Loads (2022) Planning US EPA Developing Effective TMDLs: An Evaluation of the TMDL Process (2009) Developing Effective Nonpoint Source TMDLs: An Evaluation of the TMDL Process (… Implementation Brian Benham et al. John Hoornbeek et al. TMDL Implementation: Lessons Learned (2009) Implementing TMDLs: Understanding & Fostering Successful Results (2008) Monitoring General Resources US EPA Virtual WQS Academy: Monitoring and Assessment (2023) Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program (2003) National Water Quality Monitoring Council Webinar Series (n.d.) Monitoring and TMDLs US EPA TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Data and Plans (2023) State Approaches & Needs for Measuring, Tracking & Reporting on Water Quality I… ELI Approaches to Evaluating the Water Quality Effects of TMDL Implementation (2021) Tools US EPA Ambient Water Quality Tools (2023) TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Tool (2023) Quality Assurance, Field, and Lab Protocols US EPA Introduction to Data Quality Assessment (2023) Introduction to Data Quality Objectives (2023) Factsheets on Water Quality Parameters (2023) Surface Water Quality Monitoring (2023)