Session 7: Environmental Justice (ELI Summer School, 2024)

Session 7: Environmental Justice (ELI Summer School, 2024)

July 23, 2024 12:00 pm — 2:00 pm
Hybrid (in-person in DC & via webinar)

Each summer, ELI convenes a complimentary seminar series that offers an introduction to the legal and policy foundations of environmental protection in the United States. ELI's Summer School is a series of seminars taught by experts in their fields, introducing the audience to important areas of environmental law. Faculty will also incorporate major regulatory and judicial updates to the laws.

Environmental Justice

Although no federal environmental justice laws have been enacted in the United States, federal agencies have made staunch efforts to adopt environmental justice into policies and practices. The Biden Administration has implemented several environmental justice initiatives, including the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, the Justice40 Initiative, the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, and more. 

This session of Summer School will explore the foundations of environmental justice as well as recent federal developments, current opportunities for environmental and climate justice policies, and obstacles facing environmental justice. Faculty will discuss:

  • the history of environmental justice;
  • the Biden Administration’s environmental justice initiatives;
  • how state, tribal, and local governments are addressing environmental justice; and
  • methods for engaging multiple stakeholders in environmental justice conversations and processes.

Mark Sabath, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center, Moderator
Sara Colangelo, Visiting Professor of Law and Director of Environmental Law & Justice Clinic, Georgetown University Law Center
Roy Prather, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond PC

Materials will be posted as they are received.
A recording of this session will be posted to this page, usually within three business days of the live event.

**Check out the entire Summer School 2024 schedule.**