Indoor Air Quality in Homes

Indoor Air Quality in Homes

Opportunities for Policy Action 

States can help reduce indoor air risks in homes through policies such as building codes, product regulations, and oversight of professional assessment and remediation services. States can also expand or establish agency programs that provide education, technical assistance, and financial assistance for preventing and fixing residential IAQ problems. 

It is especially important for state policies to address directly IAQ risks in rental housing, which makes up around one-third of all housing units in the country. Tenants who are exposed to indoor air pollutants typically do not have the authority or responsibility for fixing the problem. And many who rent their homes lack the financial means to correct IAQ problems or to find alternative affordable housing.  

The legal framework governing rental housing presents opportunities and challenges for policymakers. Many states and local jurisdictions have housing codes or landlord-tenant laws that establish the responsibilities of landlords and tenants, but relatively few of those policies include specific requirements for addressing common indoor environmental issues. 

States and other jurisdictions can strengthen existing legal frameworks and adopt new measures to reduce health risks for tenants and make rental housing more resilient to anticipated climate impacts. Core elements of a policy include (1) requirements for landlords to address specific IAQ issues, (2) agency oversight mechanisms such as state/local housing inspections and enforcement authorities, and (3) financial assistance to help fix IAQ problems in affordable rental housing properties. Housing managed or subsidized by the federal government generally must comply with applicable state and local rules, along with federal rules. 


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