Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Opportunities for Policy Action 

States have a significant role to play in improving the way schools are built and renovated, since many states establish design and construction requirements for school facility projects. State building codes and other school construction laws can incorporate key IAQ elements such as adequate ventilation and high-efficiency filtration, moisture control, and use of low-emitting materials. States can also facilitate an integrated approach to considering health and environmental measures through policies that require or incentivize the use of green building criteria. 

Addressing IAQ in existing school facilities is vital to improving health and learning but also presents challenges for state policymaking. Many states have laws or regulations that govern aspects of school facility operations and maintenance, but few of those policies address IAQ issues comprehensively or directly. ELI has developed reports and other materials that discuss how states can incorporate three central elements of an IAQ policy for existing schools. 

IAQ Requirements. It is important for state policies to require evidence-based measures for preventing and correcting IAQ-related problems in existing schools. Policies can advance a comprehensive approach to school IAQ management, as well as establish standards and requirements for specific IAQ issues such as ventilation, filtration, moisture management, integrated pest management, and cleaning practices.  

Oversight of IAQ Requirements. Another fundamental component of an effective school IAQ policy is establishing how state agencies will ensure that schools meet state IAQ requirements. School facility oversight responsibilities may fall within the jurisdiction of the state health, education, and/or occupational safety and health agencies, which differ in their organizational missions and staffing. An important oversight and monitoring tool is to require regular inspections conducted by state or school district officials using clear inspection criteria, along with reporting of inspection results and requirements for correcting deficiencies. 

Technical and Financial Assistance. A critical complement to state IAQ requirements and oversight is sustained and equitable funding for under-resourced school districts to prevent and address IAQ problems. States also play a key role in providing information on IAQ issues, most notably through the publication of technical guidance and by offering training and technical assistance directly to school facility professionals. 


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