Monthly Climate Change Briefing: April 2015
Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.
Topics addressed in this month's call:
- US announcement of its Intended Nationally Deteremined Contribution for the international climate negotiations
- Decision striking down challenge to implementation of MA Global Solutions Act
- Denial of motion to dismiss in Murray Energy v. McCarthy (re need for jobs analysis by EPA)
- AZ decision refusing to require disclosure of climate scientists' emails
- NM decision rejecting public trust doctrine suit
- Political battles continue over EPA's Clean Power Plan, while states explore compliance options
- DE governor released state plan on March 2 to cut carbon emissions and adapt to climate change impacts
- CA governor signed executive order on April 1 imposing statewide water use restrictions
- OR governor signed bill on March 12 that extends and advances the state's low carbon fuel standard (program scheduled to take effect next year)
- FL counties work together to pursue climate change resilience measures through the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact
Vicki Arroyo, Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Kyle W. Danish, Partner, Van Ness Feldman, LLP
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School ; Director, Center for Climate Change Law
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ELI Monthly Climate Briefings are made possible by the
generous support of our institutional members.
NOTE: This call/recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted
or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.