Climate Justice: Overburdened Communities, Climate Change, and EPA's Clean Power Plan

Climate Justice: Overburdened Communities, Climate Change, and EPA's Clean Power Plan

December 11, 2014 11:30 am — 12:30 pm
Washington, DC (and via webcast)

Co-sponsored by the DC Bar EENRS Sustainability and Environment Committee and the Corporation, Finance and Securities Law Section

Our session provided a fresh take on the most prominent environmental issue of our day, as our panel of environmental justice experts explained why climate issues are justice issues for overburdened communities. The panelists discussed how communities, environmentalists, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are addressing climate justice concerns, including concerns about EPA's proposed regulations for existing power plants - the "Clean Power Plan."

Neil Gormley, Co-Chair, Standing Committee on Sustainability and Environment, D.C. Bar EENR Section (Moderator)
Lisa Garcia, Vice President of Litigation for Healthy Communities, Earthjustice
Matthew Tejada, Director, U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Justice
Dr. Jalonne White-Newsome, Environmental Justice Federal Policy Analyst, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Benjamin Wilson, Managing Principal, Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.