Wetlands Program: Publications
- Developing Wetland Restoration Priorities for Climate Risk Reduction and Resilience in the MARCO Region, (2016)
- Stream Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice (2016)
- State Constraints: State-Imposed Limitations on the Authority of Agencies to Regulate Waters Beyond the Scope of the Federal Clean Water Act, (2013)
- Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Handbook, Second Edition, (2012)
- America's Vulnerable Waters: Assessing the Nation's Portfolio of Vulnerable Aquatic Resources since Rapanos v. United States, (2011)
- In-Lieu Fee Mitigation: Model Instrument Language and Resources, (2009)
- The Next Generation of Mitigation: Linking Current and Future Mitigation Programs with State Wildlife Action Plans and Other State and Regional Plans, (2009)
- Wetland Avoidance and Minimization in Action: Perspectives from Experience, (2009)
- Design of U.S. Habitat Banking Systems to Support the Conservation of Wildlife Habitat and At-Risk Species, (2008)
- The Federal Wetland Permitting Program: Avoidance and Minimization Requirements, (2008)
- Planner’s Guide to Wetland Buffers for Local Governments, (2008)
- State Wetland Permitting Programs: Avoidance and Minimization Requirements, (2008)
- State Wetland Protection: Status, Trends & Model Approaches, (2008)
- "Success of Wetland Mitigation Projects" in the National Wetlands Newsletter, (2008)
- Mitigation of Impacts to Fish and Wildlife Habitat: Estimating Costs and Identifying Opportunities, (2007)
- State Wetland Program Evaluation: Phase IV, (2007)
- State Wetland Program Evaluation: Phase III, (2007)
- Workshop to Explore Opportunities to Integrate the State Wildlife Action Plans into Improved Wetland Conservation and Restoration: Conference Summary Report, (2007)
- 2005 Status Report on Compensatory Mitigation in the United States, (2006)
- Fifth Stakeholder Forum on Federal Wetlands Mitigation, (2006)
- National Forum on Synergies Between Water Quality Trading and Wetland Mitigation Banking, (2006)
- State Wetland Program Evaluation: Phase II, (2006)
- The Status and Character of In-Lieu Fee Mitigation in the United States, (2006)
- Fourth Stakeholder Forum on Federal Wetlands Mitigation, (2005)
- State Wetland Program Evaluation: Phase I, (2005)
- Measuring Mitigation: A Review of the Science for Compensatory Mitigation Performance Standards, (2004)
- National Symposium on Compensatory Mitigation and the Watershed Approach, (2004)
- Third Stakeholder Forum on Federal Wetlands Mitigation, (2003)
- Banks and Fees: The Status of Off-Site Mitigation in the United States, (2002)
- Stakeholder Forum on Federal Wetlands Mitigation, (2002)
- Protecting Wetlands: Tools for Local Governments in the Chesapeake Bay Region, (1997)
- Protecting Wetlands II: Technical and Financial Assistance Programs for Local Governments in the Chesapeake Bay Region, (1998)
- Wetland Mitigation Banking, (1993)
- National Wetlands Newsletter, (1989-2016)
- National Wetlands Awards information (annually)
Also consider these related books from ELI Press:
- Environmental Law Institute. Wetlands Deskbook 4th ed., (2015)
- Environmental Law Institute. The Clean Water Act and the Constitution: Legal Structure and the Public’s Right to a Clean Healthy Environment, 2nd Edition, (2009)