How Green is Your Gasoline? An Examination of Recent Developments in EPA's RFS Program

How Green is Your Gasoline? An Examination of Recent Developments in EPA's RFS Program

July 14, 2015 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Washington, DC (and via webinar/webcast)

This program was sponsored by the Sustainability and Environment Committee of the D.C. Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Section, in cosponsorship with the following additional D.C. Bar Section(s): Corporation, Finance and Securities Law Section. Also in cosponsorship with the American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources and Environmental Law Institute.

A panel of distinguished government, private sector and non-profit experts explored recent developments in EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program. Topics included an overview of the RFS program, the impact of EPA's recently proposed 2014 and 2015 RFS production targets, the impact of fraud in the renewables fuel market, the so-called blend wall and legislative developments.

Bruce Pasfield, Alston & Bird LLP (moderator)
Erik Baptist, Senior Counsel, American Petroleum Institute
Scott Faber, Vice President of Government Affairs, Environmental Working Group
Larry Schafer, Principal, Playmaker Strategies, LLC
Karl Simon, Director of Transportation and Climate Division, U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality