Supreme Court Review & Preview (2015)

Supreme Court Review & Preview (2015)

October 5, 2015 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Cambridge, MA (and via webinar)

An ELI Public Seminar

ELI is announced its annual U.S. Supreme Court Review of October Term 2014 and Preview of October Term 2015, again featuring two of the nation’s leading experts on environmental law in the Supreme Court. ELI President Scott Fulton led the discussion with Harvard Law School Professors Jody Freeman and Richard Lazarus. The program was held on the “First Monday of October” when the Supreme Court will formally close October Term 2014 and begin October Term 2015.

Professors Freeman and Lazarus reviewed first the key rulings from the Court’s last Term before they turn to the cases already granted review and those likely to be considered for review by the Justices for the upcoming Term. In addition to the Court’s treatment of classic pollution control issues, such as those arising under the Clean Air Act, the speakers considered important cases concerning the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s regulatory authority over the participation of demand response providers in wholesale interstate electricity markets. They also highlighted recent Court rulings and pending Court cases that do not themselves arise in environmental law contexts but which have potentially significant implications for environmental law.

Scott Fulton, President, Environmental Law Institute (introduction)
Jody Freeman, Archibald Cox Professor of Law; Director, Environmental Law Program, Harvard Law School
Richard J. Lazarus, Howard and Katherine Aibel Professor of Law, Harvard Law School