Discussion with Cynthia Giles, EPA's Top Enforcer

Discussion with Cynthia Giles, EPA's Top Enforcer

November 17, 2015 11:30 am — 12:30 pm
Washington, DC

This program was sponsored by the Air Quality Committee of the D.C. Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Section, in cosponsorship with the following additional D.C. Bar Sections: Administrative Law and Agency Practice Section, Arts, Entertainment, Media and Sports Law Section, Courts, Lawyers and Administration of Justice Section, Litigation Section and Tort Law Section. Also in cosponsorship with the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy and Resources and the Environmental Law Institute (ELI).

Cynthia Giles, the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) is the top enforcer at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). She is responsible for the civil and criminal enforcement programs, as well as enforcement at federal facilities and site remediation. At this session, Ms. Giles discussed Next Generation Compliance (NextGen) - EPA's integrated approach to take advantage of new tools and require modern approaches to address today's pollution challenges while strengthening vigorous enforcement of environmental laws. She provided recent examples of how NextGen has been used in civil enforcement actions at the federal and state level.