Monthly Climate Change Briefing: February 2016

Monthly Climate Change Briefing: February 2016

February 8, 2016 4:00 pm — 4:30 pm

Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.


Topics addressed in this month's call:

  • Climate and energy riders the Republican leadership pushed during the appropriation negotiations last year
  • Overview of upsurge in interest in use of CAA Sec. 115 as an emissions reduction tool
  • Current action related to the motion to stay the Clean Power Plan
  • New York Gov. Cuomo proposes ambitious climate initiatives for 2016
  • California Public Utilities Commission approves programs by two utilities to install EV charging stations
  • Net metering update
  • Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf proposes regulations to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas wells
  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $1 billion in resilience funding to states and cities through the National Disaster Resilience Competition

Vicki Arroyo, Executive Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School ; Director, Center for Climate Change Law
Manik Roy, Director of Political Assessment, ClimateWorks Foundation
Robert Sussman, Principal, Sussman & Associates

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ELI Monthly Climate Briefings are made possible by the
generous support of our institutional members.

NOTE: This call/recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted
or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.