Clean Water Act 2016: Law and Regulation (ELI/ALI CLE Course of Study)

Clean Water Act 2016: Law and Regulation (ELI/ALI CLE Course of Study)

May 19, 2016 12:27 pm — May 20, 2016 12:27 pm
Washington, DC (and webcast)

Co-sponsored by ALI CLE

Why You Should Attend

Much has been achieved in protecting the nation’s waterways and wetlands since the Clean Water Act (CWA) was passed in 1972. However, as federal and state agencies seek to tackle the most intractable water quality problems, the greatest challenges remain. Join us for this in-depth course, and learn not only about recent programmatic, litigation, and regulatory developments, but also about the larger, emerging issues that will strongly influence water law and practice in the years to come.

This advanced-level program is more than an update on current developments; it brings together cutting-edge issues in water law and examines them in an integrated fashion. A top-flight faculty provide in-depth legal analyses, key policy perspectives, and insights on the future of this sacred resource.

Highlights include an optional introductory lecture, which provides less experienced practitioners, or those needing a refresher, with grounding in the basic substantive law and practice issues, as well as a keynote address from John C. Cruden, Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division in the U.S. Department of Justice.

What You Will Learn

The program updates experienced environmental attorneys and related professionals and provides general practitioners with an excellent framework for understanding the law and counseling clients in this complex area. Highlights include an optional introductory lecture, which provides less experienced practitioners, or those needing a refresher, with grounding in the basic substantive law and practice issues, as well as a keynote address from John C. Cruden, Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division in the U.S. Department of Justice.

Panels chosen to provide a variety of viewpoints explore:

  • The increasing interaction between the CWA and the ESA, the expanding view of what EPA rules require consultation, and how consultation can affect both the rulemaking process and the outcome
  • Trends and developments in the regulation of stormwater, including litigation over permits and the impact of WOTUS and other EPA regulations on stormwater controls
  • Water quality standards, trading programs, and what we can learn from the Chesapeake Bay TMDL
  • NPDES permit program: Citizen suits, e-reporting, the scope of the permit shield, and other controversies
  • Key developments under CWA §404, including recent litigation, mitigation policies, and permitting

The course also includes a full hour on professional responsibility issues and ethics concerns in the water law practice context.

Who Should Attend

Environmental lawyers and other related professionals who need to stay current on Clean Water Act developments should attend this accredited continuing legal education program from ALI CLE and ELI.

To purchase the coursebook and/or the DVD video of this event, please visit HERE.