Monthly Climate Change Briefing: October 2016

Monthly Climate Change Briefing: October 2016

October 17, 2016 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm

Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.


Topics addressed in this month's call:

  • DC Circuit argument on Clean Power Plan
  • 9th Circuit decision on PSD permit for biomass plant, and BACT for GHGs
  • New CWA suit against Exxon for not considering sea level rise in SPCC plans for tank storage
  • EPA rules on HFC refrigerants and the related Montreal Protocol negotiations
  • Washington state adopted a GHG emissions reduction rule that will require large GHG polluters to reduce carbon emissions by an annual average of 1.7 percent
  • Massachusetts Governor Baker signed an executive order on climate mitigation and adaptation efforts
  • California adopted a flurry of climate-related bills at the conclusion of its legislative session on both mitigation and resiliency
  • The New Energy Industry Task Force, housed within the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy, released its final recommendations, which included several legislative recommendations to constrain energy generated from fossil fuels and promote clean energy development
  • DC Water issued a first-ever environmental impact bond to fund green infrastructure investments; the bond will pay a larger return to investors if the investments are effective at mitigating most combined sewer overflows than if they are not
  • Recent agreement by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to establish a cap on the net emissions of international aviation through a market-based mechanism

Vicki Arroyo, Executive Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School; Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Manik Roy, Consultant [formerly, ClimateWorks Foundation]
Robert Sussman, Principal, Sussman & Associates

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ELI Monthly Climate Briefings are made possible by the
generous support of our institutional members.

NOTE: This call/recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted
or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.