The Law and Policy of Sea-Level Rise Adaptation: Planning Considerations and Legal Risks in California
2016 ELI Ocean Seminar Series
Imagine a map of sea-level rise in the year 2100. You know the ones—they show many of the world’s major coastal cities inundated by blue shading. With the sea predicted to rise one to two meters over that time, those maps are showing the consequences. Billions of people and trillions of dollars will be flooded out.
However, those maps only tell part of the story. Most of the world will not passively await the blue shading to come over them. Instead, local and national governments will adapt to sea-level rise. Through a suite of adaptation strategies, they will try to reduce impacts when possible and manage retreat when required.
This webinar brings together experts in policy, law, and planning in California to talk about some of the key issues with sea level rise adaptation in the state. The lessons learned could provide useful information on success stories and legal risks associated with adaptation strategies.
Angela Howe, Legal Director, Surfrider
Kelsey Ducklow, Climate Change Analyst, California Coastal Commission
Laura Engeman, Manager, San Diego Climate Collaborative
Sean Hecht, Co-Director of Emmett Institute, UCLA