R. Christopher Locke

R. Christopher Locke

Terms served on previous ELI Boards of Directors

Chris Locke, a senior partner and former chair of the Environmental Law Department at Farella Braun + Martel, has more than 25 years of experience in counseling and representation of clients in all areas of environmental law and litigation.

Mr. Locke’s practice includes defense of federal and state enforcement actions, representation in actions involving CERCLA, RCRA, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and other federal and state statutory and common law claims, as well as class action litigation, cost recovery litigation, and private attorneys general actions and citizen suits. He also assists clients with internal investigations, regulatory compliance and project development strategies and proceedings, including representation in permitting and NEPA/CEQA/land use proceedings, and related litigation.

Drawing on his experience as a former federal prosecutor, Mr. Locke’s practice includes grand jury representation and defense of criminal enforcement actions. He is also a member of the firm's Product Law practice, emphasizing product liability defense, class action defense, regulatory representation, and product stewardship and sustainability.

Mr. Locke’s clients represent a wide range of public and private interests, including consumer products, energy, manufacturing, mining, real estate development, scientific research, technology, telecommunications, transportation, and wine businesses. He is recognized by Chambers USA as a leading lawyer in environmental law in California and is listed in Best Lawyers in America (Environmental Law and Litigation – Environmental) and in Northern California Super Lawyers. Mr. Locke is a frequent lecturer and author on developments in environmental law, product law, criminal enforcement and defense, trial strategy and evidence.