Conserving the Coasts: The State of Marine Ecosystems and Coastal Compensatory Mitigation (5th Annual ELI-Stetson Wetlands Workshop)
The Environmental Law Institute and Stetson's Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy were pleased to hold the Fifth Annual ELI-Stetson Wetlands Workshop on Stetson Law's Gulfport campus. This year's workshop focused on the status and conservation of reefs, mangroves and seagrasses, and the use of compensatory mitigation to offset coastal wetland impacts. The workshop included an optional morning field trip to a nearby wetland and concluded with an evening poolside networking reception.
Draft Agenda (Subject to Change)
9:00 am |
Optional Mitigation Site Field Trip |
12:00 pm |
Opening Remarks |
12:15 pm |
Session One: Status and Conservation of Reefs, Mangroves, and Seagrass |
12:45 pm |
Panel Discussion:
2:00 pm |
Networking Break |
2:30 pm |
Session Two: Using Compensatory Mitigation to Offset Coastal Wetland Impacts |
3:00 pm |
Panel Discussion:
4:15 pm |
Breakout Sessions |
5:15 pm |
Poolside Networking Reception sponsored by Mechanik Nuccio Hearne & Wester, P.A. |