Indoor Air Quality in Rental Dwellings

Indoor Air Quality in Rental Dwellings

State Laws Addressing Radon, Mold and Secondhand Smoke



Florida has enacted legislation addressing radon hazards in rental properties as part of the Florida Radiation Protection Act. The law requires that a radon notification be provided on “at least one document, form, or application executed at the time of, or prior to … execution of a rental agreement for any building.” See Florida Statutes 404.056, (The requirement does not apply to residential transient occupancies of 45 days or less in duration.) The statute specifies the following language to be included in the notification:

“RADON GAS: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county health department.”

The law authorizes the state Department of Health to promulgate regulations to carry out the law.


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