Assessing Stream Functions and Conditions – Challenges and Solutions
ELI is hosting a series of webinars on the policy, practice, and science of stream compensatory mitigation. Webinar topics are based on the findings and recommendations of the 2017 report Stream Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice and selected in coordination with an Advisory Committee of stream mitigation experts. The series will cover a range of issues from assessing stream functions and conditions to restoration approaches and long-term success of compensation projects. This ten-part series is funded by an EPA Wetland Program Development Grant.
Stream Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Assessing Stream Functions and Conditions – Challenges and Solutions
Federal regulations emphasize the agencies’ desire to increasingly tie compensatory mitigation decision-making to functional improvement. Currently, states and Districts still rarely employ functional assessment methods for credit determination or for developing performance standards, primarily because few function-based tools are available. However, tying functional assessment methodologies to credit determination, performance standards, and monitoring can help improve ecological success and achieve the goal of replacing lost aquatic resource functions. This webinar examined the challenges in developing and implementing assessment methodologies and how states and federal agencies are working to overcome these challenges.
Brian Bledsoe, Professor, University of Georgia
John Dorney, Senior Environmental Scientist, Moffatt & Nichol
Tracie Nadeau, Environmental Scientist, U.S. EPA Region 10
Brian Bledsoe Presentation
Tracie Nadeau Presentation
John Dorney Presentation
Additional Information/Resources:
Visit ELI's resource page, The State of Stream Compensatory Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice