Kasantha Moodley
Kasantha Moodley
Since 2018, Kasantha has been overseeing ELI's Innovation Lab, an initiative that focuses on understanding the environmental impacts and opportunities created through emerging technologies, structural changes to the economy, and new roles for the public in environmental protection. Her role involves exploring breakthroughs in science and technology that have the potential to reshape the future of sustainability. Kasantha is presently researching the intersection of digital technologies and the environment as well as the potential of citizen science in environmental decision-making. Prior to joining ELI, Kasantha spent 10 years serving as an environmental consultant. Kasantha’s skill lies in project design and implementation, forming multi-stakeholder relations and facilitating decision-making. She has worked with multi-national corporations in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors, advising on environmental compliance and sustainability matters. Kasantha contributed to several environmental, social and health impact studies for World Bank financing, among others. Kasantha holds a Master in Environmental Management from Yale University.