The Global Pact for the Environment
An ELI 50th Anniversary Webinar
In May 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 72/277, “Towards a Global Pact for the Environment.” Developed by an international network of environmental lawyers and legal scholars, the Pact would codify an internationally agreed upon set of principles of environmental law. These principles would not only provide a foundation for the creation of future international environmental laws, but could provide guidance for states looking to adapt or adjust their own laws as additional international laws develop.
While many experts agree that the Pact could help fill the gaps in international environmental law, questions remain. What principles must be contained in the Pact for it to achieve its lofty goals? What is the likelihood that UN Member States agree to such a declaration of principles? What is the potential impact of the Pact on the developing world?
ELI and leading global experts explored the obstacles to and benefits of utilizing the Pact, the gaps in current international environmental law, and the principles that could guide environmental law for years to come.
Xiao Recio-Blanco, Director, Ocean Program, Environmental Law Institute, Moderator
Justice Antonio Herman Benjamin, Minister, National High Court of Brazil; Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; President, Brazilian Environmental Forum of Judges; Environmental Committee of the Summit of Chief Justices of Ibero-America; Secretary-General, UN Environment’s International Advisory Council for Environmental Justice
Roy S. Lee, Professor, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Permanent Observer, Asian African Legal Consultative Organization, United Nations
Nicholas Robinson, University Professor on the Environment, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University
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Supplemental Materials:
United Nations Environmental Program Co-Chair Submissions and Questions
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