Stream Compensatory Mitigation: Long-Term Performance of Stream Compensatory Mitigation

Stream Compensatory Mitigation: Long-Term Performance of Stream Compensatory Mitigation

May 16, 2019 3:00 pm — 4:30 pm

ELI is hosting a series of webinars on the policy, practice, and science of stream compensatory mitigation. Webinar topics are based on the findings and recommendations of the 2017 report Stream Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice and selected in coordination with an Advisory Committee of stream mitigation experts. The series will cover a range of issues from assessing stream functions and conditions to restoration approaches and long-term success of compensation projects. This ten-part series is funded by an EPA Wetland Program Development Grant.

Stream Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Long-Term Performance of Stream Compensatory Mitigation

Few studies have evaluated the long-term performance of stream compensatory mitigation or restoration projects. Thus, little is known about the performance of these sites following the required monitoring phase. This webinar examined approaches to evaluating the performance of stream restoration projects and compensatory mitigation programs over the long term. Presentations included a discussion of a proposed framework for combining site-specific and regional evaluations to improve the ability of states to report on the administrative and ecological success of their compensatory mitigation programs at achieving stated goals and desired objectives, using monitoring data from North Carolina’s ILF program to optimize monitoring plans by determining the likelihood of reliable change detection in mitigation timeframes, and lessons learned from studies of the performance of stream restoration projects in Colorado. 

Greg Melia, Division of Mitigation Services, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Eric Stein, Principal Scientist - Biology Department, S. Ca. Coastal Water Research Project
Matt Kondratieff, Aquatic Research Scientist, Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Greg Melia Presentation
Eric Stein Presentation

Matt Kondratieff Presentation

Additional Information/Resources:
Visit ELI's resource page, The State of Stream Compensatory Mitigation: Science, Policy, and Practice