Building Bridges

Building Bridges

Building Bridges

Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources and Institutions of Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Conservation

Recovery from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will take decades. When added to the other threats facing the Gulf of Mexico, the time, capacity, and funding required to restore the Gulf becomes even greater. It is unlikely that this task will be accomplished with spill-related funding alone. To maximize the chances of achieving a healthy, thriving Gulf, we need to connect the spill-related processes with existing plans and programs. To this end, we have released two reports:


State Plans and Programs

Building Bridges: State Plans and Programs focuses on Gulf of Mexico state plans (including regional plans) and state programs.

MSA-Image   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Building Bridges (State Plans and Programs) (January 2016)     MSA-Image   FULL REPORT: Building Bridges (State Plans and Programs) (January 2016)      

Federal Programs

Building Bridges: Federal Programs focuses on linkages between the spill-related funding and existing federal conservation and restoration programs.

MSA-Image   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Building Bridges (Federal Programs) (April 2014)     MSA-Image   FULL REPORT: Building Bridges (Federal Programs) (April 2014)    

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