WELL Testimonials

WELL Testimonials

Brenda Mallory, Director of Regulatory Policy for the Southern Environmental Law Center, Washington D.C., ELI Board Member. I am excited to be part of this new networking opportunity that ELI is creating. I see WELL as an important resource to women in the field, enhancing their professional development, networking, and mentoring opportunities. It is also an opportunity to further extend ELI’s reach in the profession by increasing the pool of women participating in programs, writing articles, and joining the Leadership Council and the ELI board. Many of my professional relationships have blossomed through my ELI interactions. I continue to be impressed at how the organization evolves to help meet the challenges in current day environmental practice. I encourage women from the public, private, and NGO worlds to consider how ELI can advance their professional growth.

Melodie DeMulling, Vice President, Development & Membership at ELI. We look to our Leadership Council for ideas on topics and discussions and ways to guide ELI into the future. As is the case with many leadership communities, our Leadership Council has more male membership and we are working to change that by asking you to join and have your voices heard as well. As a non-profit 501 (c)(3) we rely upon donations from people like you to help us put on the programs and provide support for ELI’s many initiatives and we appreciate your support. We really hope to continue to grow the WELL community and hope we will see you at the next event.

E. Lynn Grayson, Nijman Franzetti LLP, Member of the ELI Leadership Council. ELI is one of the best platforms for making connections, staying in touch and building your brand and reputation within the national environmental law community. The Leadership Council provides an excellent opportunity to connect with environmental law peers and colleagues throughout the year and the ELI Annual Dinner is the event of the year for environmental professionals. ELI is an organization that can bring us all together and I hope you will join me in getting to know more about ELI by being involved in WELL and as a member of the Leadership Council.

Martha Marrapese, Wiley Rein LLP, Member of the ELI Leadership Council and Board of Directors, WELL Chair. Quite honestly, ELI has played a central role in my career. As an emerging technologies and chemical control lawyer, ELI membership allows me to engage along the broader spectrum of environmental law while offering opportunities to develop in my area of specialty. Whether it be boot camp, the Board, or the Annual Dinner, the connections I have made through ELI I would not have been possible otherwise. As we pass the 50th Anniversary year of the organization, ELI’s scholarly exploration of the future interplay between the environment and technology is groundbreaking. There has never been a more exciting time to join. It’s the perfect time to launch WELL for women engaged in the practice of environmental law to advance our friendships and leadership roles.


Help Us Reach Our “50%” Goal! ELI’s Leadership Council is committed to attaining equal membership among female and male professionals. Not a member of the Leadership Council? Join today. Already a member? Tell a friend or colleague about the benefits of joining the Leadership Council—and WELL!

WELL welcomes all who support women-led initiatives and gender equality.