Radon Control in New Home Construction
Developments in State Policy
In 2017, The Nebraska legislature enacted Legislative Bill 9, establishing a Radon Resistant New Construction Task Force. In 2018, the Task Force submitted recommended minimum standards for radon resistant new construction for consideration by the Governor and the legislature.
In May 2019, the state legislature adopted the Radon Resistant New Construction Act requiring that new construction incorporate passive RRNC elements outlined in the law. Ne. Legis. Bill 130; Ne. Stat. 76-3504, 3505. However, the law provides an exception for any construction project that “utilizes the design of an architect or professional engineer” licensed by the state. The law also establishes exceptions for projects located in counties with average radon levels below 2.7 pCi/L, and for non-residential projects where a local building official determines that RRNC is not necessary. The law requires the state Department of Health and Human Services to compile radon measurements and determine the average radon concentration by county, and submit those results to the legislature every five years.
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