Monthly Climate Change Briefing: May 2020
Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.
Topics addressed in this month's call:
- How IBM is conducting its work on environmental sustainability/climate and energy in the midst of the pandemic
NRDC v. Wheeler -- vacated EPA ruling that restricted regulation of HFCs
Wildearth Guardians v. Bureau of Land Management -- Vacating oil and gas leases for inadequate look at cumulative climate change impacts
Resolute Forest Products v. Greenpeace -- Ordering forest products company to pay $800,000 in attorneys fees to Greenpeace
Northern Plains Resource Council v. Corps of Engineers -- Vacate nationwide permit due to Corps of Engineers failure to initiate consultation under Endangered Species Act
Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview v. State -- Upholding denial of permits for coal export terminal
- California Air Resources Board released a final draft Advanced Clean Truck Rule (and CA eyes a deal with Volvo given federal rollbacks)
- Colorado unveils plan to get more electric vehicles on roads
- Minnesota advances energy bill despite coronavirus, which would update and modernize state’s energy efficiency law
- VA passes bill that makes VA the latest state to require a transition to 100% carbon free or renewable energy.
- Without fanfare, Houston unveils Climate Action Plan, shooting for carbon neutrality by 2050 despite COVID.
- Funds from Regional Clean-Energy Initiative to Electrify NJ’s Transportation Sector
- EPA’s upcoming rule for aircraft emissions under the CAA
- Status of the Senate energy bill
- Upcoming CV-19 legislation and how climate and clean energy fit in
Vicki Arroyo, Executive Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Edan Dionne, Vice President, Environmental, Energy & Chemical Management Programs, IBM
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School; Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Robert Sussman, Principal, Sussman & Associates
ELI members logged on to the Members site will have access to a recording of this session (usually posted w/in 48 hours). If you are not an ELI member but would like to have access to archived sessions like this one, go HERE to see the many benefits of membership and how to join.
ELI Monthly Climate Briefings are made possible by the
generous support of our institutional members.
NOTE: This call/recording is for ELI members only. No comments may be quoted
or used without the express written permission of ELI and the panelist.