Radon Control in New Home Construction

Radon Control in New Home Construction

Developments in State Policy 



 In June 2019, Maine enacted a law (Chapter 391, 129th Session) requiring that the state building code incorporate a third-party RRNC standard, ASTM E1465 (“Standard Practice for Radon Control Options for the Design and Construction of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings”).  Previously, ASTM E1465 had been referenced in the building code as a standard that was to be used if a builder opted to use radon-resistant construction techniques. With the passage of the law, ASTM E1465 became a required standard for new home construction. The standard requires installation of a passive RRNC system, pre-occupancy testing, and activation of the system with a fan if testing reveals unacceptable radon concentrations. ASTM E1465 is an expired standard; it was withdrawn by ASTM in 2017 and is no longer being updated.


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