Environmental Justice Reading List
Below are suggested reads and listens related to Environmental Justice. Have a recommendation to add to the list? Please email thiam@eli.org.
Disclaimer: ELI does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in non-ELI resources.
Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and Social Movements Resources
- Principles for Environmental Justice
- Equitable and Just National Climate Platform.
- Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing.
- Abate, R. (2019). Climate Change and the Voiceless. Cambridge University Press.
- Abate, Randall. (2016). Climate Justice: Case Studies on Global and Regional Governance. ELI Press.
- Alinksy, S.D. (1971). Rules for Radicals. New York: Vintage Books.
- Blue Mountain Tribe, Pray for Our Planet (song)
- Cole , L.W. and Foster, S.R. (2001). From the Ground Up: Environmental Racism and the Rise of the Environmental Justice Movement. New York: New York University Press.
- Friere, Paolo. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Herder and Herder,
- Incite! Women of Color Against Violence. (2009). The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. Cambridge, Mass: South End Press.
- Lee, C. and Miller-Travis, V. (1987). Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States. United Church of Christ.
- Mohai, P. and Saha, R. (2015). Which came first, people or pollution? Assessing the disparate siting and post-siting demographic change hypotheses of environmental injustice. Environ. Res. Lett. 10 115008.
- Mohia, P. and Saha, R. (2015). Which came first, people or pollution? A review of theory and evidence from longitudinal environmental justice studies. Environ. Res. Lett. 10 125011
- Rothstein, R. (2017). The Color of Law. A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. New York ; London: Liveright Publishing Corporation.
- Taylor, D. E. (2016). The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Taylor, D. E. (2014). Toxic Communities: Environmental Racism, Industrial Pollution, and Residential Mobility. New York University Press.
- Taylor, Dorceta E. (2010). Environment and Social Justice: An International Perspective. Edited by Dorceta E. Taylor. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, volume 18 (September). Bingley, UK: Emerald Press.
- Taylor, Dorceta E. (2009). The Environment and the People in American Cities: 1600s-1900s. Disorder, Inequality and Social Change. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Washington, H. A. (2019). Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind. New York ; Boston ; London : Little, Brown Spark.
ELI Resources
- A Game Changer in the Making? Lessons From States Advancing Environmental Justice Through Mapping and Cumulative Impact Strategies (2020)
- Environmental Justice, Just Transition, and a Low-Carbon Future for California (2020)
- Community Guide to Environmental Justice and NEPA Methods (2019)
- Environmental Justice: Legal Theory and Practice, 4th Edition (2018)
- A Citizen’s Guide to Using Federal Environmental Laws to Secure Environmental Justice (2002)
- Opportunities for Advancing Environmental Justice: An Analysis of U.S. EPA Statutory Authorities (2001)
- Building Capacity to Participate in Environmental Protection Agency Activities: A Needs Assessment and Analysis (1999)
- See more here