Kathy Robb
Kathy Robb
Kathy Robb is the Chief Executive Officer of Blue Access. Prior to joining Blue Access, she was a nationally-recognized environmental attorney in private practice, concentrating on water districts, developers, investors, lenders, energy companies, industrial and paper companies, and chemical manufacturers on water-related disputes, endangered species issues, environmental impact reviews, river sites with contaminated sediments, solid and hazardous waste issues, and sites with contaminated groundwater. Kathy focused on these environmental litigation before federal district and appellate courts across the country, as well as before the U.S. Supreme Court. She has worked on water-related issues across the United States, including Kalamazoo, Colorado, Klamath, and Guadalupe Rivers; the ACT-ACF river systems; the San Gabriel Valley; and numerous lakes, streams, and aquifers.
Kathy has also taught courses on international environmental law and human rights at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, and writes and speaks frequently on water quality and quantity issues. She has co-founded three environmental-related non-profit organizations, and served on the ELI Board and is the president of the Leadership Council. Her work has garnered her many professional acknowledgements and awards.
Kathy is a graduate of the University of the Virginia School of Law and the University of Texas at Austin Plan II interdisciplinary honors program. She spends most of her recreational time looking at, being in and on, and reading about, water.